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Services, Bible study groups, choirs and other actions in Rovaniemi
The Evangelical Lutheran parish of Rovaniemi welcomes everyone to take part in parish activities. Our task is to organize activities that cover practically every aspect of Christian life. Sunday Worship services, Bible study groups and pastoral counseling are few examples of what we offer. Most of the activities of the Rovaniemi parish are in Finnish, but you are always welcome join us even if we do not share a common language. Activities in Finnish that we offer are, for example, camps and trips, choirs and music groups, groups for seniors, support groups, open doors evenings for youth and silent retreats. Also affordable or free lunches or breakfasts are arranged for those in need.
Rovaniemi Parish has chaplain for international work, diacon for multicultural work, and student pastor whose responsibility is to support, help and advise foreigners and immigrants. Our aim is to help people find their way into the church and become full members of the society. The best way to find activities that interest you is to contact our international staff.
Looking for a place to worship in English? Services also in English or the Finnish ones are interpreted. You are very welcome to ask when and where:
Chaplain for international work: Milla Purosalo
Diacon in multicultural work: Arja Rissanen
You can also contact student pastor to hear more about worship services and other activities in Rovaniemi.
Student pastor, University of Lapland: Mikko Pisilä
You can find more information about worship services and communion services and other activities organized here.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. -Matthew 18:20
Puhelinneuvontaa sekä ohjausta ti & ke klo 12-13. Telephone advice and guidance Tue & Wed @12:00-13:00.
Päivystys yliopistolla keskiviikkoisin. Yhteydenotot myös whatsapin, instagramin ja snapchatin kautta. Kielet: suomi, englanti, ruotsi, saksa
You can meet me at university every wednesday. You can contact me also through whatsapp, instagram or snapchat. Languages I speak: Finnish, English, Swedish, German
Instagram: church_roi_campus
Snapchat: pastoriliimatta