Who we are

Rovaniemi Evangelical Lutheran Parish is fourth largest parish in Finland.

More than 75 % of the citizens of Rovaniemi are members of the parish. We are a warm and friendly community which welcomes everyone and we offer many kinds of activities to people who seek connection with other people and God.

With you in life

The Rovaniemi Evangelical Lutheran parish is with you in everyday life and festivities, in moments of joy and sorrow. Services and other events and volunteer work can bring lots of new elements in your life. Our ministry bring people together also in communal activities such as clubs and hobbies which are arranged for the joy of people of all ages. We want to stay with you throughout your life.

Parish offices can be reached under the following contact information and can assist with:

  • joining the church
  • official certificates
  • examination of potential impediments to a marriage
  • family research / genealogy
  • information about church activities

The Parish offices and contact information

Parish offices are open according to the following opening hours

  • Mon-Fri, from 9 am - 3 pm.

Rovaniemi Parish office: Rauhankatu 70, PL 8104, 96101  Rovaniemi

  • Telephone (switch board) +358 16 335 511
  • Email address rovaniemi.seurakunta(at)evl.fi

Rovaniemen seurakunnan seurakuntakeskus edestäpäin kuvattuna.
The front door of the Parish center.